Episode 374

Published on:

16th Sep 2024

Earnest Mann Ep. 374 Yet another example, of media incompetence, and total bullshit

Exposing Media Deception and Violent Protests: A Critical View

Hey, it's Earnest Mann, and today, I’m breaking down a real issue: the media’s shift from news to propaganda and the violent protests plaguing society. In this episode, I analyze a recent violent incident in Newton involving a pro-Israel protest, and how the media spins these stories with artificial enthusiasm and hidden agendas.

Violence at Pro-Israel Protest: What's Really Happening?

A peaceful pro-Israeli demonstration in Newton took a violent turn when a man charged the protesters and was shot. While the media sensationalizes this story, I reveal the disturbing undertones of how these reports are handled. The corporate media's focus isn’t on the core issue—gun violence—but on inflating certain narratives for entertainment.

Media Bias and Propaganda: The Disturbing Enthusiasm

I highlight how reporters, like in this case, approach violent incidents with a bizarre blend of enthusiasm and sensationalism, creating entertainment out of tragedy. The media’s failure to focus on the real problems, like gun violence or societal unrest, only adds to the propaganda machine.


I'm a deep thinking contrarian, a very pragmatic idiocythrope. I believe that function determines desirability and legitimacy. I don't like the superficial and/or pretentious, nor the shallow. I speak the truth as best as I know it, as a professor of tautology.

With friends, I desire quality over quantity. I know some very important life truths I'm just waiting for you to ask about. I have found in life, many people talk about happiness, but are unwilling to pay the price, or believe they shouldn't have to, because they are entitled to it, but I know with absolute certainty, that such beliefs are always due to stupidity, Insanity, or some degree of both.

This is not just another YouTube channel; I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, - and say - what the hell really needs to be said, so do the right thing, leave your thoughts, for me and others to possibly learn from, and subscribe, and tell everyone else in the world you know about me, and you'll stand a really good chance, of me remembering you, in my will!

I believe we really can change the current status quo of an idiotic and fucked up purposeless treadmill existence, and actually improve this world, but it requires intelligence, honesty, and BALLS, all three of which are currently in short supply, especially the balls.

Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anything or anyone stupid, as much as possible, your life will be far better for it.

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I look forward to hearing from you, and until next Monday or Friday remember, the world may be misinformed and batshit crazy, but YOU, don’t have to be!


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© 2024 The Earnest Mann Show



correct me if I'm wrong on this but have you noticed what amounts to being basically the same


boring ass story with only slight variations mundane events being repeated endlessly by


corporate cyborgs pumped with as much artificial enthusiasm as a virgin who actually did get [ __ ]


on prom night I know I've noticed but for me prom Knight passed a long time ago and I sure as hell


ain't a virgin if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working greetings and thank


you for being here of all the things that I have been accused of one thing they certainly can't say


is that I'm not direct I like being direct I think it's the best policy I can only speak for myself


but in my life it's worth worked well I have a disconnect when it comes to the media how much


they have strayed from being a uh information and news source which is what they used to be


into a entertainment and propaganda machine and this is something that doesn't sit well with me


and so as a consequence of this I try to battle it by letting you know the difference between


legitimate reporting which has actually become few and far between and well [ __ ] and um what


I'm going to talk about here in this video uh this is a disturbing video not very long but I want to


show you this video that's disturbing but here's the thing it's not disturbing for the reasons


you're told that it's going to be disturbing it's disturbing to me for an entirely different if not


possibly hidden reason so with that in mind let me get this going and um I'm going to um uh basically


ment on it after the fact and um see what you think but I wanted you to actually see it first


so here goes a peaceful pro-israeli demonstration in Newton turned violent last night after a man


who charged at demonstrators was shot the man who fired the gun is expected to face a judge


at any moment this morning good morning everybody I'm Jeff sapper Stone nbc1 Alicia Palumbo is live


outside Newton District Court with the very latest on this Alicia well good morning Jeff


we are still awaiting that arraignment but we've had several people show up at court this morning


supporting that man who was arrested in all this they say all you need to do to know exactly what


happen is watch the video of it as it unfolds we have that video for you let's take a look at


that cell phone video you can actually see a man yelling at those pro-israeli protesters a group


of about 10 people from across the street near the intersection of Washington and Harvard this


is right by the Mass Pike overpass at about 6:30 Thursday night then that man crossed the street


charging at and tackling one of the demonstrators investigators say after a short scuffle that


demonstrator allegedly shot the man who tackled him the da identified the man who pulled the


trigger as 47-year-old Scott Hayes of Framingham Hayes was arrested on scene but investigators


did say they determined he legally owned the gun the unidentified man who was shot is now in the


hospital fighting for his life we spoke with David Sherman who you can see in this video Sherman


along with Hayes and a third man attempted to render Aid to him after he was shot Sherman said


it was almost surreal to watch this all unfold all of a sudden he was running at Scott fists up in


the air ready to fight and tackled him and before I I don't know how he got Scott down um but uh I


mean the video shows it he got Scott down and uh and I was involved in trying to get the guy off of


him we have reached a stage where people feel that it is okay to Vally attack people that are either


Jewish or support the self-determination of the Jewish people in the state of Israel again this


whole situation remains under investigation and we do not know the condition of the man who was shot


Hayes is scheduled to be arraigned here at Newton district court at some point today on charges of


assault and battery with a dangerous weapon meanwhile Newton Police say they have stepped


up patrols at houses worship throughout the city we're live in Newton Alicia Palumbo NBC 10 Boston


one of the very first things that's um wrong with this news is that it's not news it's a combination


of entertainment and propaganda and I'm going to point that out to you within the video itself so


that um there's no mistaking what I'm saying and you know me I don't have a [ __ ] tendency


to men's words so with that in mind and uh trying to be cognizant of your precious time I would like


to get started before I do that I simply would like to um remind you that I am Professor Ernest


man Frostbite Falls so with that here it goes a peaceful pro-israeli demonstration in Newton


turned violent last night after a man who charged at demonstrators was shot the man who fired the


gun is expected to face a judge at any moment this morning good morning everybody I'm Jeff sapper


Stone nbc1 Alicia Palumbo is live outside Newton District Court with the very latest on this Alicia


well good morning Jeff we are still awaiting that arraignment but we've had several people show up


at court this morning supporting that man who was arrested in all this they say all you need to do


to know exactly what happened is watch the video of it as it unfolds we have that video for you


now I don't know if you caught that or not but there was something it was very fast but it was


also incredibly maniacal and really just [ __ ] up and sick in my opinion go back watch it again


once is enough I'm just illustrating this but go back and watch it again and notice how she said


in a very maniacal fashion she went from um yeah this shooting was taking place instantaneously


she shifts gears just for a microsc when she says yeah we have and we have the video of


that Jesus Christ how [ __ ] depraved can you be this is the equivalent let's say bringing my


own example you know a very old very frail woman very small maybe 5T tall very frail and somehow


she you fell off or wandered off onto the tracks of a train that was going to be passing through


at maybe a 100 miles an hour and of course she gets hit and loses her life and with the train


hitting that woman the way it did she [ __ ] she just K Bloom you know she like disintegrates


now imagine a newsers if they covered something like that and it was the same


sickening enthusiasm there are reports in that an elderly woman has in fact been hit


and killed by the train that was passing at approximately 100 milph and we have video of


that Jesus Christ okay back to it now please allow me just a few moments as a pause for the cause I


know it's a real struggle bringing home the bacon times are tough you don't have to tell me twice


so if you enjoy what I do here on the earnest man show would you please consider a donation I could


really use some dough to keep things going on around here and by clicking on my coile


donation Link in the description below even just a cup of coffee would be very earnestly appreciated


thank you now back to the episode let's take a look at that cell phone video you can actually


see a man yelling at those pro-israeli protesters a group of about 10 people from across the street


near the intersection of Washington and Harvard streets this is right by the Mass Pike overpass


at about 6:30 Thursday night then that man crossed the street charging at and tackling


one of the Dem demonstrators investigators say after a short scuffle that demonstrator allegedly


shot the man who tackled him the DI identified the man who pulled the trigger as 47-year-old


Scott Hayes of Framingham Hayes was arrested on scene but investigators did say they determined


he legally owned the gun the unidentified man who was shot is now in the hospital fighting for his


life we spoke with David Sherman who you can see in this video Sherman along with Hayes and a third


man attempted to render Aid to him after he was shot Sherman said it was almost surreal to watch


this all unfold all of a sudden he was running at Scott fists up in the air ready to fight and


tackled him and before I I don't know how he got Scott down um but uh I mean the video shows it


he got Scott down and uh and I was involved in trying to get the guy off I had no problem with


what this guy was saying when this lady spoke it hit my [ __ ] meter big time we have reached


a stage where people feel that it is okay to VI attack people that are either Jewish or support


the self-determination of the Jewish people in the state of Israel would you listen to


this self-righteous [ __ ] it's unbelievable oh God it's it's just unreal it never ends


listen here Nancy here's the reality okay I mean maybe you're not a racist although some people


might call you a [ __ ] racist because you're talking




Jews yeah here's the reality Nancy people are shot all over America all over the time in


case you didn't [ __ ] know that and can only view places and people as Jews the fact is is


that we have a major gun violence drug problem we have so many other problems going on really


didn't need your unnecessary pitch for Judaism how terrible it is Jewish people are being


persecuted it's [ __ ] ridiculous people are being shot that is the problem you don't want


people being shot and you also don't have to point out their religion ethnicity or anything


else Nancy the fact that they just happen to be Jewish well the point is as far as I'm concerned


it's people that were shot so your argument is complete and other [ __ ] and I really wish it


and people like you would just [ __ ] go away matter of fact maybe you might consider are


going to Israel here's the end again this whole situation remains under investigation and we


do not know the condition of the man who was shot Hayes is scheduled to be arraigned here


at Newton district court at some point today on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous


weapon meanwhile Newton Police say they have stepped up patrols at houses worship throughout


the city we're live in Newton Alicia Palumbo nbc1 Boston just my last words concerning this reporter


I have never seen something so harsh this person who speaks about 30,000 words per second


in a dark monotone I wouldn't let them report on someone baking a [ __ ] cake that had fell on the


floor I would like to summarize this by saying if um if this kind of thing happens it happens


because of protest and so forth and that's why I don't do protest in general I think they're


a really bad idea um they're not very effective particularly here in the modern era and um for


just for multiple reasons it's a bad idea I I don't believe in protest marches carrying signs


or any other pretenses of actually wanting or needing to change something when people


actually aren't willing to actually do so as far as this guy in particular who went charging to a


complete stranger because in his delusional mind he was trying to make some kind of [ __ ] abstract


Point well if he dies hey good and it's good for two reasons okay and not just aside from the


fact that me personally if a complete stranger starts charging at me and I have a weapon yeah I'm


going to [ __ ] shoot you because I have a brain you know some of you may be religious and why this


guy you know ended up being shot well I guess like so many other people that are shot God's kind of


busy you sorry but you can't always r rely on him and for you non-religious people out there for you


agnostics such as myself I got a different idea I give the guy I give the guy Kudos because he's


trying really hard to receive a [ __ ] durin award and that's the best thing that he could possibly


receive ah here's actual footage of my great granddaddy man but unlike him who has long since


passed if you have any opinion of this episode good bad or ugly you can reach out to me and I


want you to do that because I want your feedback also click subscribe it helps the channel grow and


you'll automatically receive my fascinating and entertaining new episodes until next Monday or


Friday remember the world may be misinformed and batshit crazy but you don't have to be

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb